Viewing Multi-Currency Accounts activity

On the Multi-Currency Accounts screen, you can view the transaction history of your Multi-Currency Accounts.

To view activity

  1. In the toolbar, under Templates, click Multi-Currency Accounts.
  2. In the Multi-Currency Accounts table, click an account number to view details about transactions for the selected .

    Multi-Currency Account grid

    The Activity Overview window appears.

    Multi-Currency History Activity Overview

    The Pending Balance(s) grid at the top of the page shows transactions that are not posted (transactions either on hold or still being processed). Once a transaction is posted , it no longer appears in this grid.

    The grid at the bottom of the page displays all completed transactions for the selected . The default is to show all transactions; however, you can use the Showing activity for dropdown list to restrict the display to account activity during the current month, previous month, last 6 months, year to date, or previous year.

    Note: The values in the BALANCE column show the posted balances. They do not take into account any transactions that are pending approval.

Viewing Wire Settlement Instructions

The Settlement Instructions column contains a link to the wire settlement instructions. It allows users to copy or generate a PDF of the wire instructions needed to settle with Corpay.

To view settlement instructions

  1. In the Multi-Currency Accounts table, click the hyperlink in the Settlement Instructions column.

    Settlement Instructions column
    A pop-up displays the complete Settlement Instruction for settling with Corpay, including the bank name, address, and routing information, as well as the client details and account number. The Standard Account Settlement Instructions look similar to this:

    Standard Account Settlement Instructions

    If you are a Named Account user, you will see your account number, and you are specified as the beneficiary instead of Cambridge Mercantile Corp. which is the case with the Standard Account. The Settlement Instructions for Named Accounts looks similar to this:

    Named Account Settlement Instructions

  2. Click Copy Text to copy the information or click Export PDF to generate a PDF of the settlement instructions.

    The PDF looks something like this, depending on whether the account is a Standard Account or a Named Account:

    Settlement Instructions PDF

Exporting Activity Report

If you have the relevant permission, you can export the report to a CSV file or save it as a PDF file.

  • Click the link in the Account Number column to open the Activity Overview window.

  • To export the report as CSV file, click EXPORT CSV. The data is saved in a .csv file.
    The filename includes the name of the account, the date the report was generated, the currency, and your client code. The format is as follows: Activity Overview YYYY-MM-DD CCY Client Code. For example: ACMEACC Activity Overview 2023-01-28 CAD 123456

  • To export the report as PDF, click EXPORT PDF.